<p>To include an SSI variable simply use the variable name in place of the type of data
you want to display.  This example shows how to implement the inbuilt
#SSI_DATELONG variable to display the current date every time a page
is requested.</p>

<p>We start with a very basic HTML page...</p>
		<H2>Welcome to my page.  The date is 1 January 2012.</H2>
<p>This is clearly inappropriate because if a user requests your page on, say, 14 February 2013, the date will be incorrect.</p>

<p>So to force the web server to show the correct date, simply substitute the text for the variable name, in this case #SSI_DATELONG....</p>
		<H2>Welcome to my page.  The date is #SSI_DATELONG.</H2>
<p>If this page is now requested, it will look something like this...</p>

<img class="screenshot" src="" alt="" />

<p>The result is that the variable #SSI_DATELONG was replaced by the
text '21 September 2012'.</p>