
A computer with the following specification will comfortably run a single copy of TIM Plus:


The TIM Enterprise service is accessed solely through a web browser and, whilst any modern standards-compliant browser should be sufficient to access the service, we always test on the following browsers:


The browser must have Javascript enabled when accessing the TIM Enterprise service.


The operating system must have a TCP/IP network subsystem and the computer must be connected to such a network.

For automatic licensing during installation of the software, a connection to the internet is also required.  For best results, ensure that the PC can access external websites on TCP ports 80 (HTTP) and 443 (HTTPS) without the need for a proxy login.

Automatic e-mails

For TIM Enterprise send automatic email notifications, such as when a phone call is missed, you must provide an SMTP interface to an existing e-mail server, accessible by the computer running TIM Enterprise.
