<p>These instructions should assist in configuring your Cisco UCM to 
work with TIM Plus. If you are not familiar with PBX 
configuration, please contact your system maintainer.</p>

<table class="confluenceTable">
			<th class="confluenceTh" width=158>Connection information</th>
			<th class="confluenceTh">Description</th>
			<td class="confluenceTd"><b>Connection type</b></td>
			<td class="confluenceTd">IP
			<td class="confluenceTd"><b>IP method</b></td>
			<td class="confluenceTd">The Cisco UCM stores its Call Detail Records in a MS SQL database which is located on the <span class="reference">Publisher</span>.

<h2>Configuring Cisco Unified Call Manager</h2>

<p>By default the CDRs are not written to the MS SQL Database. The following 'Service' parameters need to be enabled on the <span class="reference">Publisher</span> using the 
<span class="reference">Service Parameters</span> Configuration window:</p>

	<li>CDR Enabled</li>
	<li>CDR Log CallsWith Zero Duration Flag</li>
	<li>Call Diagnostics Enabled</li>

<p>The database that TIM Plus will connect to what is called 'CDR'. Within this database there is a table called 'CallDetailRecord'. Rather than TIM Plus reading and removing data from the 'CallDetailRecord' 
table we <b>highly recommend</b> that you setup a second table which is a replication of the 'CallDetailRecord' table. This leaves the original table intact and can be used by other applications that may require it. 
There should be a SQL User already created with the following credentials:</p>

	<li><b>Username:</b> <span class="keyword">CiscoCCMCDR</span></li>
	<li><b>Password:</b> <span class="keyword">dipsy</span></li>

<p>To setup replication you will need to speak to your Database 
Administrator or your Cisco UCM maintainer. The replicated table name 
should be called 'calldetailrecord2'.</p>
<p>Please make sure that when the replication is setup that the above user has full access to the new table.</p>

<p>You will need to know the following information for TIM Plus to connect successfully to the Cisco UCM CDR database:</p>

	<li>IP/DNS of the MS SQL Database which is located on the <span class="reference">Publisher</span>.</li>
	<li>Username and Password to connect to the CDR database (you may need to speak to your maintainer about this).</li>

<h2>Setting up a DSN connection for TIM Plus</h2>

<p>You will need to setup a DSN connection for TIM Plus to work with the Cisco UCM. Below you will find instructions on how to do this within Microsoft Windows:</p>

	<li>Click on Windows <span class="button no_margin">Start</span>.</li>
	<li>Click on <span class="button no_margin">Control panel</span>.</li>
	<li>Double click on <span class="button no_margin">Administrative tools</span> icon.</li>
	<li>Double click on <span class="button no_margin">Data Sources (ODBC)</span> icon.</li>
	<li>Click on the <span class="button no_margin">System DSN</span> tab.</li>
	<li>Click on the <span class="button no_margin">Add</span> button.</li>
	<li>Select <span class="reference">SQL Server</span> from the list and click <span class="button no_margin">Finish</span>.</li>
	<li>In the <span class="reference">Name</span> field enter the following: <span class="keyword">CCM</span>.</li>
	<li>In the <span class="reference">Description</span> field enter the following: <span class="keyword">TIM Plus link to CCM</span>.</li>
	<li>In the <span class="reference">Database name</span> field enter the database type e.g <span class="keyword">SQL</span>, <span class="keyword">MySQL</span> etc.</li>
	<li>In the <span class="reference">Server</span> drop-down list select the Cisco UCM Publisher IP address or machine name.</li>
	<li>Click on the <span class="button no_margin">Next</span> button.</li>
	<li>Click on the radio button <span class="keyword">With SQL Server authentication using a login ID and password entered by the user</span> and click on the <span class="button no_margin">Next</span> button.</li>
	<li>Click on the check box <span class="keyword">Change the default database to:</span> and select <span class="keyword">CDR</span> and then click on the <span class="button no_margin">Next</span> button.</li>
	<li>Click on the <span class="button no_margin">Finish</span> button.</li>
	<li>Click on the <span class="button no_margin">Test Data Source</span> button and once you make sure the test is completed successfully, click on the <span class="button no_margin">OK</span> button.</li>
	<li>Now click on the <span class="button no_margin">OK</span> button.</li>

<p>Now you will be able to see the CCM in the <span class="button">System DSN</span> list.</p>

<p>An example of ODBC setup is shown below:</p>

<img class="screenshot" src="http://www.tri-line.com/common/img/documentation/tim_plus/pbx/cisco_ucm_1.png" alt="Cisco UCM" />

<h2>Configuring TIM Plus</h2>

<p>Below you will find steps on how to configure TIM Plus to listen for SMDR data from your Cisco UCM 4.0:</p>

	<li>Browse to TIM Plus as normal and login with your credentials.</li>
	<li>Click on the <span class="button no_margin">Directory</span> tab.</li>
	<li>Click on the site configured during the setup wizard and click <span class="button no_margin">Properties</span>or create a new site and click <span class="button no_margin">Properties</span>.</li>
	<img class="screenshot border" src="http://www.tri-line.com/common/img/documentation/tim_plus/pbx/cisco_ucm_2.png" alt="Cisco UCM" />
	<li>Within the <span class="reference">Site Properties</span> window, select <span class="keyword">Cisco UCM v4 DSN</span> from the <span class="reference">PBX model</span> drop-down list.</li>
	<li>In the <span class="reference">Connection method</span> field select <span class="keyword">Connect to a system DSN</span> from the drop-down list.</li>
	<li>In the <span class="reference">DSN name</span> field select <span class="keyword">Cisco UCM v4 DSN</span> from the drop-down list.</li>
	<li>In the <span class="reference">Frequency</span> field enter in <span class="keyword">5</span>.</li>
	<li>In the <span class="reference">DB script</span> field select <span class="keyword">Cisco UCM v4 DSN</span> from the drop-down list.</li>
	<li>Finally, click on the <span class="button no_margin">Save</span> button.</li>