<h1 style="text-align: center; border-bottom: none; font-size: 40px;">Advanced call analytics<br/> 
for large multi-site organisations</h1>

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Export pages/chapters by following the steps below:

On the top left-hand side of the manual's page, click 
on the <span class="button">Browse</span> button and 
then select <span class="button">Advanced</span>. 
From the menu on the left-hand side of the new page 
click on the <span class="button">PDF Export</span> 
button. You can see now a hierarchical representation
of the manual's pages. Select the tickbox for the chapters or
pages that you want to export and click on the 
<span class="button">Export</span> button, at the 
top of the page. Once the process is completed 
click on the <span class="reference">here</span> link 
to view your PDF.</p>